Saturday, May 2, 2009

Tag, I guess I'm it

{5 ThInGs I WaS dOiNg 5 YeArS aGo}

1. Graduating High School (Jess)
2. Getting My Tonsils Out (Jess)
3. Working for Brother (Josh)
4. Playing Soccer (Josh)
5. Playing World Of WarCraft (Josh)

{5 ThInGs On My To-Do LiSt}

1. Get rid of Morning sickness (Jess)
2. Be Debt Free (Josh & Jess)
3. Clean the Kitchen (Jess)
4. Clean Paintball gun (Josh)
5. Become a Millionaire (Josh)

{5 PlAcEs I LiVeD}

1. Riverdale, UT (Jess)
2. Milton, UT (Jess)
3. Riverdale, UT (Josh)
4. Mtn. Green, Utah (Josh)
5. Spain (Josh)

{5 ThInGs I WaNt To Be DoInG iN 5 YeArS}

1. Have visited Hawaii
2. Own a Home
3. Just enjoying life to the fullest
4. Publish a book (Josh)
5. Well this is scary to say or even think at this moment but if we want our kids two years apart we could have two more, wow that is a scary thought.

{5 PeOpLe I TaG}

1. Kelly & Camille
2. Jeremey & Lori
3. Justin, Aubrey & Claire
4. Austin & Keri
5. Allan, Celeste, Zach & Ethan

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