Thursday, April 21, 2011


With this crazy Utah weather this year, there has been flooding here and there, but Monday WOW the rain came down and the rivers just couldn't hold it any longer. All the men around got called to pack and deliver sandbags. A couple of us girls walked in the pouring rain to check it all out.

The rain was 04/18/11 we went back down 3 days later to see how it had come down 04/21/11
04/18 - on our way down to the Riverdale walking path
04/18 - see the water over the bank and on the path, it usually isn't even close to up this high
04/21 - You can see that it has gone back down, but it is still higher than usual

04/18 - Here is on of the bridges, this is usually dry little creek kind of thing and well you can see it is filled almost to the top of the bridge
04/18 - There is just water everywhere
04/18 - Here is where the walking path takes a little turn, this is up SUPER high, there is actually usually a bench then a pretty big drop off to the river, this is crazy, there is absolutely no path as you can see in the pictures below, it completely emerged the path.
04/21 - There is the bench :)
04/18 - Yes we did cross tons of those police lines, whoops but we weren't the only ones :)
04/18 - See how this looks like a normal river bend, its not that is our walking path that isn't close to the water at all usually
04/21 - You can see the path again, but it is still covered in about a half a foot, but from the picture above you can see it has come down quite a bit.
04/18 - It finally stopped raining and gave us this beautiful rainbow
04/18 - All of us
04/18 - Here come one of the many loads of sandbags
04/18 - An Ambulance
04/18 - A fire Truck

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